Doniphan Intermediate School


Dear Parents, Guardians, & Friends -

We are so excited to have your child join us at Doniphan Intermediate School!

My name is Mrs. Willcut and I’m extremely happy be the principal at DIS! As the parent of two boys, I recognize the importance of a strong home-school connection. Parents are every child’s first teacher and I believe that by working together, we can make sure your child’s social, emotional, and academic needs are met.

All of us at DIS are eager and excited to begin what promises to be the best year ever.  As your Principal, I want everyone who steps through our doors-teachers, students and parents-to be excited to be here! My hope is that your child will LOVE coming to school and DIS will be a positive, safe, and caring place where we can learn and grow together. This attitude will enable us to meet the challenges of academic excellence in a positive, fun, and nurturing environment.

Our vision is to always put kids first, and my door is always open for my students, families, and teachers.  Please feel free to call or email me to discuss any concerns you might have throughout the school year. Working together, we can make this a FANTASTIC year!



Heather Willcut, Principal
[email protected]



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Upcoming Events @ DIS

* Feb. 7: Souper Bowl Food Drive Ends
* Feb. 3-7: National Counselor's Week
* Feb. 13: Parent Teacher Conferences (3-7pm) 
* Feb. 14: NO SCHOOL 
* Feb. 17: NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
* Mar. 7: End of 3rd Quarter
* Mar. 12: Spring Pictures
* Mar. 17: NO SCHOOL (PD Day)
* Mar. 18-21: NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)
* Mar. 31-Apr. 4: Spring Book Fair

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